The White Pelicans


Winter brings us white pelicans.

They divide their time between various area lakes, and

Magnify all that is noble and good,

As they extend their white splendor upon our world.


At times they merely rest upon the water,

Ever so slowly advancing with majestic arbitrariness

Toward no fixed point, floating, moving,

Movement propelled by their great unseen yellow legs.

At times they feed, raising their great beaks in unison, and

In unison plunging their great beaks into the water.


At times, with effort, they lift themselves,

Ever so gracefully laboring their great bodies into the winter air,

Toward no fixed point, flying, moving--

Movement propelled by their great white and black wings.

At times they trace their majesty against the sky, and

Then they descend upon the earth and water,

Only to float, feed, fly, and inspire again.


--November 29, 2012